Friday 10 September 2010

FLASH ahah!

We need you to help us organise a ‘flash mob’ to promote the start of the British Science Festival in Birmingham. It will provide photo opportunity for the papers, good footage for online media and a word of mouth talking point for anyone that comes into contact with the mob.

Ideally we want 100 people to descend on Birmingham Cathedral on Monday the 13th September at12.30pm to dress as Albert Einstein (Mask and Lab coat provided) and dance to Spaceman by Babylon Zoo, Girls Aloud’s Biology and other science-related choruses!

The whole event will take no more than 5 minutes to perform with a 3-hour rehearsal in the morning at Aston University in room G63 

The dance routine is available to practice on Youtube:

Britscifest flashmob 1
Britscifest flashmob 3

If you are a friend of a Festival assistant or volunteer, you will receive a £20 cash incentive upon completion of event and return of lab coat, mask and Festival t-shirt.

Pease contact Kate Sinclair from British Science Festival on DL: 02070194947 mobile: 07549708417 email to take part.

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